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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-05-24 - 11:53 p.m.

OK, yesterday first.

I was supposed to meet people at Starbucks in Leicester Square, but the lack of buses and things meant that I was going to be late anyway so I went straight to the restaurant and met people there.

Turned out there were only three people there when I arrived, so I shouldn't have rushed too much.

Eventually we wound up with 9 people in the restaurant. Eugene (the friend who invited me) disappeared at one point and when he came back he had a couple of Japense friends with him. After we'd eaten and were heading for the pub where we had a booking, one of them noticed my X Japan/hide sweater and that resulted in me chatting to the two of them for much of the night.

They were asking me about musical taste at one stage and I asked them if they knew Humming Bird. They kept mishearing me so I started writing it down in katakana. They went nuts, and now and then bits of the conversation dipped into Japanese. They said I had a really good accent. Yay!

They both live in tokyo and will be going back there in January. One of them has instructed me to let him know next time I'm visiting Tokyo so he can show me around. Wahey :)

I also taught them the phrase "toy boy". In exchange they taught me the phrase "cherry boy". Which I'm sure is fair on some level :)

I would have liked to have stayed later but I had people to meet in Namco. I was too late for the Tim Tams but the EZ2Dancer machine has been fixed at last, so I got to play on that for a bit, at least. Played the dancing game rematch with the guy I thoroughly defeated last Thursday, and it ended in a draw. Meaning that he did better than I did at Club (Double) mode, but when we played Vs on Hard mode I won.

I'm a bit rusty on Club mode, actually. Must practice more :D

That split up around twenty past eleven. Found I actually had a train back from Waterloo, but decided to take the tube back instead so I could go pick up some supplies from the 24-hour shop near Northfields.

Besides, the cute girl present (Wiley) was heading my way. She lives something like four stops away from me on the tube. Excuse to sit next to and chat to cute girl for half an hour. I'd have been mad to have passed that up :)

We've exchanged phone numbers now, because it's so weird to find that we live so close together. So going-out-for-a-drink things may happen sooner or later (yay!!).

Today they had an Options fair at uni. Basically, next year we take two optional modules as part of our majors, so the Options fair allowed the lecturers to talk about the different options to allow us to make a more informed decision about which modules we want to take. Mine breaks down thus:

First semester: Cybercultures as a first choice, Popular Music as a second choice.

Second semester: Genres as a first choice, Audiences and Ethics as a second choice.

I'm hoping I get my first choice for semester one because I'm not too keen on doing a module on popular music. The only reason I picked it was because I take Screenwriting as part of my minor, and nothing else appealed.

If I don't get Genres I won't mind too much though; Audiences and Ethics involves doing a research project, and I already have an idea for one if it comes to that.

Probably everyone will hate my idea, but I can bear it in mind in case I can get away with using it as dissertation material :)

It's a good thing I did go today, actually, I nearly signed up for Orientalism. I thought that was going to be a module on Eastern influences on the Western media, but it's actually about representation and race/gender issues and suchlike. It didn't strike me as being that interesting. Plus, if you went today you got first choice on options next year. I shouldn't have too much trouble getting to do what I want :)

I just have to get my remaining assessments sorted. And I have to go sweet-talk my Film and TV lecturer to see if he'll take my essay that I was going to keep for a resit.

And I may get to go back to Ireland for a week or so after my exam's out of the way. Yay!

Although if my brother's still driving his car when I go back there's going to be such a hissyfit. You'll be able to hear it... umm... somewhere really far away. Yeah.

I'm too tired to be imaginative right now. I'm going to make a cup of tea and watch Robot Wars. Then tomorrow I'll be writing essays all day, no doubt >_<


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