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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2003-01-31 - 11:09 a.m.

Semester over! Semester over!


So, now I have two weeks off uni to do less stressful things. In other words; tidying, painting and rearranging my bedroom, getting this manga written and drawn, and producing assorted articles and short stories for fanzines that I've committed to. And actually getting round to making Aya's present - sorry again, Aya! ^_^;

So, anyway. The semester ended yesterday with the Cybercultures presentations. There were seven or so presentations in total and only two of them really stood out. And one of them was ours, so yay!

It was actually a good thing that we didn't go with surveillance in the end, because two other groups decided to take that option. And I was proven right in that Identity Theft was very much the way to go.

Scary thing, Identity Theft. Have you read, seen or heard of The Day of the Jackal? That's about a form of identity theft. The only difference is that there, the main character takes on the identity of a man who is dead. Nowadays people are stealing the identities of people who are still very much alive and using them.

Anyway, to illustrate just how easily this can be done I managed to obtain copies of both my lecturer's birth certificates (I'm not going to say how I did it, that would be silly) and presented them at the presentation.

At this point I would like to say that my presentation skills rock. I built it all up just right, and then when I revealed the birth certificates right at the end I got the most amazing reaction from the class. There were gasps of amazement, then some muted murmurs and giggling, then a round of applause. Hee! Once that had died down I invited the lecturers to look at their birth certificates so that they could see that they were genuine. They were really impressed, in an oh-my-God-that's-bloody-scary kind of way. One of them even bought his birth certificate back from me afterwards! I so cheeky.

The rest of our presentation was excellent too. We had a Powerpoint display all hooked up which looked really professional, we had a video that illustrated some of the points we had made during the presentation, and on top of that we sounded really confident and clear on what we were doing. Some of the groups were a bit hesitant and kept getting lost, and there was one guy who just kept going and going and going to the point where even his work partner was getting bored.

Anyway. I'm really pleased with it, the other girls in my group are really pleased with it, and we're expected some pretty good grades. I'm expecting another first-class grade for this module, which will be just great. At this stage it's looking like I will definitely graduate with an upper-second, which is excellent.

The marks for this semester won't be available till early next semester, which is slightly annoying. Apparently there's some kind of industrial dispute going on that's thrown up lots of red tape as regards exam results and suchlike, so hopefully that'll be sorted out as soon as possible.

Now I'm going to get dressed and start on the cleanup operation in this room. Well, when I say "start" I mean "continue". The floor is clear, there's just lots of stuff piled up in corners and so on. Hopefully last night's snow won't get in the way of me going to work this evening... that said, though, if it's stopped the trains from running and caused lots of problems on the roads I might be able to get the night off, and I won't complain about that :P

Bye bye for now!


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