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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-02-04 - 9:09 a.m.

Ah, the weekend has been nice.

Friday didn't start out too well, what with the bad weather and the lack of sleep and the flight my mum was on being cancelled. I got to the airport at about 9.30 and saw the plane was delayed till 11.10. Fair enough, I thought, got myself some breakfast and then sat in the Arrivals area where I ate fruit gums and played my Neo Geo Pocket.

Checked my watch about an hour later and then went to the flight details board. Dismayed to find that the flight had been cancelled. I spoke to someone at the information desk and she said they were re-allocating people onto flights that were leaving at 12.30 and 3.30, so I figured it was pointless waiting around and headed home. Got to South Ealing, went into uni to hand in my final piece of paperwork, and then got the bus home. While on the bus, my mum phoned me and said she was at the airport.

I was too tired to go back out there so I told her to come to Northfields and I'd meet her there. This did leave me with some time, which on reflection I should have used for sleeping.

But I didn't. I think I watched TV or something. I don't remember.

My mum eventually got here and suggested eating. Unfortunately the cafe beside my house had already done its little trick of closing stupidly early and so I didn't get to come back here. And after we'd eaten I had to go straight to work.

I kept dozing off while I was there. Bad thing on a Friday night. I'd tried to get in contact with Razor to see if he'd cover, but he wasn't answering his phone because one of his friends had been involved in a car accident and was in hospital so he couldn't have covered.

My mum came and met me about 15 minutes before my shift ended, so she was sitting in the office with me and the other telephonists. I got one of the managers informing my mum that "you have a lovely daughter", which resulted in murmurs of agreement from my mum and I think I turned red. Anong came into the office at one stage later and I introduced her to my mum, then as I was leaving I had Anong shouting "you have lovely mum!" after me. Interesting :)

Anyway. Saturday. The day of kulchur. Oh yes.

We were going to go to Madame Tussaud's, but we got there and decided against it because of the size of the queue. So we went to the Sherlock Holmes museum instead, which was really interesting. We went into this one room and they had a book full of letters that people have written to Sherlock Holmes from all over the world. The funniest one was the one that had come from the Inland Revenue saying they wanted current contact details for Mr Sherlock Holmes. Don't you just love computer fuck-ups? =grin=

After that we went to see The Play What I Wrote, which was extremely funny. It's based on the comedy of Morecambe and Wise, and I likes me some Morecambe and Wise. It gets a special guest star every night to come and take part in the play, in much the same way that Morecambe and Wise used to do. We got Simon Callow, a name that didn't completely click with me until he came out on stage. He's done a lot of Shakespearean roles in films and on stage, so I had actually seen him before. I'm rubbish with names, sometimes.

Anyway. It's not very often you get to see a classic actor botch his lines but we got it this time. He came out on stage and got the name of one of the main actors wrong, which resulted in him turning bright red and the rest of the cast doing some improvisation. This came back later on, although we're not sure whether this was scripted or not. Basically, there was a scene that was supposed to be in a dungeon where Callow was being held prisoner. There was a guard who was treating him roughly and was supposed to throw him to the ground. When he did, Callow started moaning in pain. The actor playing the guard leaned down and said "are you alright?" and Callow replied "yes, you know, I'm just acting." The audience started laughing and judging by the actor's reaction to the whole thing I don't think it was scripted, but it could have been, I suppose.

Anyway, it felt a bit odd watching it with my mum - she enjoyed it, but there were a few bits that I thought might have shocked her a bit. We did get a simulated anal sex scene and a few "cunt" jokes. But apparently it didn't bother her and I wasn't about to ask if it did ^_^

After that we met up with my aunt and uncle, who happened to be in London for the weekend - they'd just come back from Prague and my aunt had taken the opportunity to do some more investigation into our family tree.

My great great grandmother was a complete looney, you know :)

So we went and ate something and then went to a concert. Vivaldi. Lovely. It was being held in St. Martin's In The Fields near Trafalgar Square, and the concert was held by candlelight. They had this violin soloist who was supposed to be critically acclaimed but if I'm being honest I don't think she was all that wonderful in the grand scheme of things. I mean, no, I couldn't have played it better (all my experiences with stringed instruments have been painful and disappointing... not necessarily for me, mind), but I had heard it being played better. The whole ensemble went a bit too fast for me, really - not so much during the second half when they played The Four Seasons, but in the first half when they played Canon by Pachelbal it did. Canon should, to my mind, be played fairly slowly. It's a slow piece of music. They were playing it about a beat and a half too quickly. When I grabbed a look at the lead violinists during it, I noticed one of them was doing a real virtuoso act. Maybe he was glad they were playing it fast :)

We just went home after that because we figured out we'd need to be getting up early the next day. As it was, my mum's flight got delayed indefinitely because there was bad weather in Dublin. My mum had already spoken to my dad and he'd told her that he was snowed in so he couldn't take my brother and sister to church. It seems that the weather headed south from there and hit Dublin while my mum's flight was due to take off. She's back now, thankfully.

It was the LAC yesterday. I'd considered going to it but I was pretty tired so I came back here and waited for Neko to contact me about meeting up. Eventually got a text telling me to meet him at the LAC. So off I went.

We didn't stay there for too long because by that stage it was a bit late and they were kicking people out of the cellar. So a bunch of us went to the Trocadero, where I once again learned the lesson of "do not play EZ2Dancer in the Trocadero". I don't know why exactly, but that machine is always knackered. Refuses to acknowledge steps and whatnot. Grrr �_�

So we went and played Pump It Up! for a while, which does actually work. I succeeded in getting three As, so I got a fourth song. And, being foolish, I thought "I shall try playing Beethoven Virus on a hard difficulty setting. Yes, that's a good idea."

As I recall, I failed it, but I was too tired to care that much. I just stumbled off the machine and threw myself at Neko, where I hyperventilated for a bit.

Maybe I would have done better if I'd eaten more.

But anyway. After that, Neko, X, Judas and I all went for pizza. Judas and I ate most of the pizza between us, actually. And some cheese ball things. Yummy. Neko just acted silly, as he always does, and X acted embarrassed, as he always does. It's always fun watching that :)

Then Neko and I came back here and went to sleep.

We're meeting up with people again today. I just have to haul Neko out of bed. I need to phone up mangakits and see if they've charged my credit card yet, and if not, I'll be cancelling part of my order so I can go to Comet Miniatures and get the item I ordered there instead. The item itself costs more that way but it works out cheaper in that I don't have to pay postage or anything. Whee! Plus I have to go into the fabric shop next door. Buy fur. Mmm, fur...!

Right, gotta go get dressed now.

I really ought to start writing this every night again, shouldn't I? It's taken me an hour to write this...!


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