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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-09-07 - 3:33 p.m.

Well, having bought some chicken and teriyaki stir-fry sauce for this evening, I'm sat here waiting for Neko to come home. He went to Colindale while I came back to Ealing so I could go to uni, check my results and then do some shopping.

My results aren't up yet and since this is a Saturday, I couldn't ask when they'd be posted. I'll go in on Monday and ask then.

I've also bought some supplies for my model. I've worked out that the nicest-looking models often have nice bases and backgrounds to go with them, so that's what I'm going to do with this one. I've bought some fake grass and modelling gravel to make this base with. I just need to get some wood and see if I can hunt down the one piece of complicated scenery that I want.

Note that when I say "complicated", I mean anything more complicated than grass or gravel. And if it makes the final piece look uneven I won't bother with it anyway.

I've also replenished my art supplies so I can get started on this manga I've promised to someone. Here's hoping I'll actually manage to get it finished - I've never managed to finish a manga EVER. Partly because my standards for my art are pretty high and I tend to get frustrated if I can't get something to look just right, and partly because I simply lack the time to draw manga.

Oooh, my head hurts. I also need to give work a call and let them know I might be late. Neko said he wouldn't be back too late but just in case...


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