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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-09-06 - 12:22 a.m.

Well, tonight has been fun. This time I sobered up before I even got on the tube, despite Neko sharing a bottle of WKD Blue with me in a desperate attempt to keep me a bit tipsy, at least.

Neko's been awake for a total of 31 hours, so he's now collapsed in my bed. I have two people staying the night too, they're currently in the living room working their way through Space Channel 5. I made carbonara for four but Neko was too tired to eat his so I took it and he's gone back to sleep. I've eaten two bloody carbonaras. It's a miracle I haven't exploded.

I'm going to go sort the boys out in a minute, see what they fancy doing as regards bedding and stuff. I'm going to have to either steal a pillow from Neko or get one of them to roll a coat up or something. There are cushions on the sofa though, I suppose.

I feel a bit sad right now. I'm not sure why. Alcohol does make me depressed occasionally but it's usually bawling-my-eyes-out depressed, not just an overwhelming sadness. I think my brain's become a bit hyper and it's deliberately making me think about things that will upset me. My brain can be annoying like that.

No idea what I'm going to do tomorrow besides work. I'll probably do some painting.

Shit, I'm getting palpitations again...


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