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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-02-15 - 12:27 a.m.

Well, it looks like I'm going to survive Valentine's Day, once again.

Today did start out being rather horrible, admittedly. I kept spilling things and breaking stuff and knocking things over. I just stayed in and only went out when I had to go to work.

I started work earlier than planned tonight because they switched my roles around - instead of being in the kitchen as planned, they put me in the office because Nelson decided he didn't want to work on Valentine's Day. Grrr �_�

It wasn't long before they sent me into the kitchen anyway, of course. They said "for 15 minutes", but that 15 minutes somehow turned into an hour and a half.

It was absolutely insane. No-one knew what was going on with anyone else. Items of food went missing. Whole tickets went missing. Orders left the store incomplete. Our heat compartments almost overflowed a few times. I kept putting rice into the microwave and then finding it had vanished so I had to make the stuff all over again.

=several hours interlude while I get distracted by stuff=

When I left work, they were still saying delivery time was an hour and 45 minutes. I've never seen it that bad, especially not just before the kitchen closes. It had quietened down in the kitchen, all the heat compartments were basically clear apart from the main one, which had two orders on it.

Neko was here, waiting for me when I got home. He made carbonara for me for Valentine's Day. He so lovely :)

He also gave me a Miranda Bear keyring, which is incredibly cute! I've sworn never to actually use it as a keyring because it'll get all messy, and it's too lovely :)

Right, I go now. Must get up early tomorrow and make my other glove, and maybe some ears. Yes, ears :)

But just before I go, my achievement of the day: I got *Agent Grrrr* on *Quoted*. Aren't I lovely? :)


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