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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-07-24 - 11:49 p.m.

Well, today has been pretty uneventful. I woke up late, went into uni and faked my way through the homework I was supposed to have done but didn't. Yay!

My faking has allowed me to come up with a possible idea for my essay, which I've just found out is due in on the second Wednesday in August. I proposed the idea to the lecturer and we drew it out a bit, discussing the different angles it can be approached from, what kinds of issues would be useful to consider, and so on. It basically amounts to a discussion on female characters in Japanese cinema, using the Ring series as a base. Quite apart from having a Woman as Hero and Woman as Monster thing going on, it has a contrast of character types within the same character - the Sadako from Ring is very different from the Sadako from Ring 0.

But then I suppose there is an explanation for that within the context of the story... ah well.

Beyond that, we've eaten pizza and watched TV. Oh, and listened to... The Tape.

The Tape will one day be an urban legend that parents use to control their children, I swear. "Go to bed early, or you'll hear The Tape!" "No, mummy! NO!!!"

I daren't go into too much detail but rest assured that The Tape brought us plenty of amusement. I think Becca's going to snitch it from me when she goes home. Which is OK by me, I'm not doing anything with it.

Ooh, I wonder if there's a kind of Ring thing going on with The Tape? So now I've listened to it all the way through I have to make a copy and give it to someone else. Then they have to make a copy and give it to someone else. Somehow I suspect a lot of Becca's friends may end up with The Tape if my silly theories turn out to be true ^_^

I'm now filled with the urge to watch The Evil Dead 2. I got it for �4 three weeks ago and haven't found time to watch it yet. Bad, bad H-B. I have no idea why I want to watch it NOW of all times, of course, but that doesn't matter, I probably won't. I need to try and motivate myself into drawing some stuff for more Flash animations. I will have a Flash website with silly cartoons on. I WILL! It'll be just like *The Other Side*, I tells ya! Well, maybe not. That's pretty much my favourite Flash website and I don't think anything of mine is that good. But then I guess I'm a lazy cow busy woman.

La la la la la....


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