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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-10-13 - 9:59 a.m.

Well, Neko and I were supposed to go to the cinema last night, but I got home from work to find him semi-passed out on the sofa. He was rather drunk. We've decided to postpone the cinema trip.

He'd bought a large bottle of WKD Blue, which he insisted on me drinking. Two and a half glasses of that and one Black Russian later, I was a bit dizzy and giggling like a maniac. Only a bit, mind.

Sometimes I really wish Neko wouldn't insist on me drinking. Although it did make that Adam Sandler film last night kinda amusing.

We also watched this documentary about A Clockwork Orange, which involved assorted media types talking about the film from various different perspectives. It's funny how all the media analysts seemed to basically say "Clockwork Orange had some very strong social commentaries in it... but at the end of the day it didn't have much of a plot, really."

It was interesting though. And Mark Kermode was being interviewed in it. Mark Kermode is cool. He's doing the job I want to do (he wrote the liner notes for Ring and did a rather nice job, I must say).

I was cooking again last night. Again, mostly starters, but I got to do some stir-frying too. All our stir-fry dishes start with the same stuff, actually; oil, onions, garlic, and either ginger or chilli depending on whether it's a hot dish or not. Then you just add the meat and the relevant sauces.

Working in that kitchen really takes away a lot of the mystery behind our dishes. It still amazes me that no-one has worked out that the starters that are on both the Chinese and Thai menus are exactly the same items. I've had customers who have insisted on having the Thai spring rolls and not the Chinese ones, but they're exactly the same dish.

And I've discovered a new hatred for prawn toast. I don't know what was wrong with the prawns they'd used last night, but for some reason they were a lot stickier than usual so they had to be dropped into the fryer one at a time. If you tried scooping them all onto your hand as usual, they just stuck back together again and it was an absolute bugger to try and detach them from each other once they were cooked. I got plenty of oil burns before I figured out that I should just drop them in individually.

I am now tired and slightly headachey. I hate waking up early, especially on a Sunday. Grrr. I shall go make coffee now. Yay!


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