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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2003-03-16 - 11:19 a.m.

So. Much. Work.

A quick run-through of everything I've been up to lately:

I had a presentation just over a week ago for one of my modules. I had to show a clip from a genre film, discuss what made that film a genre film, and explain how, if at all, it revised or reinvented the conventions of that genre. I decided to cheat my butt off and use cyberpunk, since I spent the Cybercultures module last semester discussing the ins and outs of that genre.

I showed a clip from Battle Angel Alita and basically asserted that it revises the conventions of cyberpunk by having a non-idealised female in the lead role, who isn't simply a love interest, and who also breaks some of the rules of cyborg representation. And stuff.

I got lost partway through and had to improvise heavily. And there was someone sitting in the classroom giving me some very strange looks, which was most off-putting. I wasn't expecting a decent mark for that until I spoke to the lecturer on Friday about whether I was allowed to use the same genre for the second assignment and she worked into the conversation that she'd actually quite liked my presentation. So I might not have to settle for a 40-something mark as I had feared. Yay!

We've also just finished casting for our film. We've gotten three people who are just fantastic. They each play the roles really beautifully and the male and female leads look really good together. I'm having the actors round on Tuesday just to get a run-through of the script and to let them get acquainted with each other. Unfortunately, one of them has been abroad so I haven't been able to get in touch. He should be getting back today though, so I can ring him this evening.

I also have to stress about my first assignment for this module now. It's due on Thursday and while admittedly I don't have a whole lot to do for it, it still eats up time, and that's getting increasingly short.

It'll all get done. And then in the summer, when everything is done and handed in and there's no more stress until the results come out, my production team and I are all going to Alton Towers. And then I'm going to Japan for a month or so. With Neko, hopefully. Mm, guaranteed sunshine...

Right, I must get Neko out of bed and start sorting out some tidying up stuff. We've discovered that our landlady is coming to England around Easter sometime, and since I don't think she'd be too impressed with the way my bedroom looks right now I have to have it cleared out, redecorated and rearranged before Easter. On top of everything else I have to do. Yay ^_^;


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