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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-03-20 - 5:31 a.m.

OK. See that last entry? I was very, very drunk when I wrote that. As I'm sure you can tell if you've read it ^_^

I'm not completely sobered up yet but I'm now capable of actually typing. I'm not asleep because I had to go to the bathroom and then I realised it'd be more fun to come online that go back to sleep.

I'm also capable of actually putting paragraph tags into my entries, which I wasn't last time. It's funny, I remember that I saved that entry before submitting it, gave the page a name and unchecked the "automatically insert paragraph tags" box like I normally do (and some of those things have become natural impulses), but I didn't remember to put in my own HTML tags as I usually do on impulse anyway.

Anyway. Yes. I'm very sorry about that previous entry. Although I obviously meant everything I said in it, I am nonetheless sorry. I was not that coherent, and I've slammed other people's diaries for doing that.

They weren't drunk at the time tho... :)

I'll write about the evening in the morning (ie when I get up, which will probably be about 3pm). Needless to say it was fun.

Right now I'm very thirsty but Neko drank all the Ribena and neglected to tell me about this, so I have to drink the remains of my coke. Which tastes really weird, for some reason.

I want blackcurranty vitamin yum goodness :(

The cafe next door opens at 7, so if I can hold out till then I can go buy a carton of Ribena. Or a bottle of water if all else fails. I don't trust London tap water �_�

I've got BBC News 24 on in the background, very quietly. The volume was turned down until they started doing a report on EMI's financial problems, which I found really interesting for some reason.

I'm getting a headache. I should go back to bed. Yes.


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