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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-08-30 - 10:09 a.m.

I've hurt my foot.

The details of exactly how I've hurt my foot are kinda horrible but I don't think I can skimp on them so if you don't want to know, you may not want to read the rest of this entry.

OK. You sure? Right, here we go.

My feet are peeling. In much the same way that most people's feet do, I expect. Now, I've always had this problem with my feet peeling that when they start, I can't help but peel it off too. When I was a kid I found it weird and fascinating, especially cos I could hold up these bits of skin afterwards and see the grooves on them. So anyway, last night, in a combination of not breaking the habit of a lifetime and being very drunk, I began a-peeling. And it went straight through that big callus I have on the ball of my foot.

Yes, this did indeed hurt at the time. Very much so. That's why I stopped. This morning, however, I'd failed to learn my lesson. More peeling did commence.

I now appear to have opened a small wound in the sole of my foot, near the bottom of the callus. I'm waiting for it to start bleeding but it hasn't done yet.

I really want to put a band aid on it, strap my foot up and then leave it till it heals but I have no idea where my band aids are. I think I bought some new ones but I don't quite remember...

And even then there's the problem of me actually walking. Walking is extremely painful right now. Stupid illogical feet.

I feel quite ill right now. I suspect that may have more to do with hunger than anything else, mind.


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