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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-08-31 - 11:44 p.m.

Ugh, work tonight was horrible.

I can't believe I'm the only one in that whole bloody office who questions the notion of having a 15-MONTH OLD CHILD running around the office on one of the busiest nights of the week. I truly can not believe it.

This is what leads me to suspect I'm the only employee there with the slightest bit of common sense. The kid runs over to one of the smaller filing cabinets, opens the top drawer, takes out a handful of envelopes and proceeds to throw them around the office. She turns off our computers, causing us to have downtime while they reboot. She disconnects one of the phones. She tries to pull the keyboard AND the mouse off her mother's desk and when she's prevented from doing so, she shrieks.

And the reaction in the office is lots of warm smiles and baby talk. Ugh.

If she brings that kid into the office again I'll walk out. So fucking help me. If I brought my cat into the office I'd be sent home. Neither the office, nor the kitchen, are appropriate places for a child, not least because our insurance doesn't cover the little monster. What kind of responsible parent would bring their kid into what is, quite frankly, a DANGEROUS environment, while knowing full well that if anything happened to their little Precious there would be nothing the company could do for them?!

Ruth and Carlos aren't responsible parents, anyway. A responsible parent would have hired a fucking babysitter. But then again, I think Ruth's into this "attachment parenting" bollocks. I don't give a flying fuck what the supposed benefits are, by 15 months of age your kid should be weaned, and you should not be nummy-nummying in the office.

Ugh... I so need a bath. With that Radox stuff. And Neko can feed me Haagen Dazs. Or something. My foot is still sore although I'm somewhat better able to walk on it now. I'm going to go to A&E tomorrow anyway, I think, and get it checked out. I think my DIY first aid has helped a lot, but it'll do me no harm to have it looked at.


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