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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-11-24 - 10:21 a.m.

At the risk of getting even further behind on my novel than I already am, I'm going to Sheffield for a few days. I want to get to see Nii-chan before I go home for Christmas and this is probably the last opportunity I'll get, so off I go.

I'm going to buy myself a notebook and write for all I'm worth on the train up, on the train back down, and possibly in the middle of the night depending on how anxious I am ^_^

I've also discovered, however, that a great way to increase my word count is to give my main character some kind of minor distraction and then throw in some unrelated but very explicit smut. My ability to write this stuff is a little worrying. I've got a whole chapter of this stuff and it isn't even done yet.

It's staying in because I need the word count, but only a select few will be allowed to read it. And even then they'll probably give me some very odd looks ^_^;

Anyway, I must get dressed, pack and encourage Luke to get out of bed. And I have some dishes to do from last night. Argh >_<


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