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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-12-12 - 4:59 p.m.

Something bloody weird is going on, I tells ya.

OK, remember my screenwriting assignment? Remember I got 72 on there and bounced around a lot, as well as spending far too much money on some nice new clothes? Remember that was my highest grade in my whole university career?

Well, it isn't anymore.

I got my Cybercultures mark back today. Now, considering how I was expecting a mark in the mid-fifties if I was lucky (I had visions of the lecturer saying "I think you were just a bit generous with your self-assessment"), the last thing I was expecting was to be told I'd gotten... SEVENTY-FIVE!

There were repeated cries of "Oh my God!!" and I was giggling a lot. The lecturer had to wait till I calmed down before he could give me my feedback. Both my lecturers loved it, and they thought my research was excellent (and there I thought it was grossly superficial).

Most of the people who helped me with my research did so via my livejournal, and will be thanked on there. On here, though, I must offer deepest thanks to *Virtually Nicky* for answering my questions. A star is you, Nicky! :)

Anyway. In a minute I'm going to clean up the kitchen a bit and cook some enchiladas. Then I'm going to the university's masquerade ball. And I'm going to celebrate in no uncertain terms.

I can't wait to tell my parents, they're going to go nuts...!


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