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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-12-15 - 12:12 p.m.

Well, tomorrow afternoon I'm going back to Ireland for three weeks.

Neko, as always, is taking it badly. He'll be OK and it's not like we can't talk to each other on the phone, but he still doesn't like me going away for a long time unless he's coming with me.

He'll probably try to eat my boarding pass in the airport, just watch.

It'll be nice to get to see the family again. I probably say this every time I go back, I just can't be bothered to check. I'm in two minds about whether to wrap all the family's Christmas presents before I go back, or after I get there. I only have one roll of wrapping papaer here and it's the same as last year's. I think someone might notice this. Namely my brother, as it's the kind of thing he would notice. It doesn't really matter, I suppose, no-one's liable to kick up a fuss about it, apart from my sister. Maybe.

I'll probably just wrap them all for the sake of simplicity before I go home. I bought sellotape specially for this purpose, as I discovered yesterday that we don't seem to have any. I wrapped X's Christmas present yesterday, see, and had to use parcel tape to stick it down. He didn't seem too bothered but it looked rather shabby >_<

By the way, anyone who doesn't live in close proximity to me, there will probably be a delay with me getting your presents to you. I've been told that the post office is getting a bit screwy over the Christmas period and I don't want to risk people's presents getting lost in the post. So you'll either get them when I see you next, or when the post office stops being foolish. Whichever comes first.

Anyway. I'm going to get dressed now and put some more laundry on. Then I'm going to see if I can coax Neko out of bed and we can go to the London Writer's Circle/Spiral/Helix meeting thing. I'm going to bring my screenplay and get some last-minute feedback before I spend all of Christmas rewriting it. Fun and games!


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