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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-09-18 - 1:31 a.m.

Just got done watching this week's Oz and was hit by a realisation in the middle of it.

In the last episode (two weeks ago because they skipped it last week, for some reason), they introduced a character with a Belfast accent who is apparently an IRA terrorist or somesuch. He's naturally gotten associated with the Irish crew and is currently educating them in the history of the Troubles while planning to make a bomb and blow up the prison. Of course. That's what we Irish do, doncha know.

Anyway, ever since he first appeared on screen I've been staring at him and trying to work out if I've seen him before and where. He's got one of those faces that just looks so... I don't know... nondescript I suppose. Couldn't help but think the face was familiar, since where I grew up all the men have nondescript faces. Apart from the ugly bastards. There are no attractive men in Ireland, I swear.

But I digress. I was watching him spout about Bloody Sunday tonight and suddenly I realised where I'd seen him before; he was in Mapmaker.

What be that, you wonder? It's a film. An Irish film, no less. And it was filmed around the county where my parents live. It was a pretty low budget thing, I think, and it had a pretty limited cinema run from the looks of things. The only reason the crappy cinema back home got it was because it was filmed in the surrounding area. Local interest and all that. The problem with Irish films is that there has only been one good one ever made. And most of that was shot in the Lake District or on the Isle of Man or something so I don't know if that counts. All the other Irish films I've ever watched have been utter, utter shite. Mapmaker was no exception.

It's an interesting turn of character for this guy though, I must admit. In Mapmaker he was the impartial outsider who's just in town to make a tourist map but gets caught up in the fight against an IRA splinter group in the town (or something, buggered if I could follow the plot in that bloody film). Now he's in Oz, and he's nicking bottles of bleach and wristwatches to blow Emerald City up.

It's also one hell of a step up in terms of how his CV will look - he goes from starring in a low-budget Irish film with sod all distribution so no-one's ever heard of it, to being an increasingly prominent character in a long running HBO drama series.

I'll have to pass that one on to my parents, actually. Neither of them were particularly entranced by Mapmaker and Oz would most certainly not be their thing, but they'll probably find it amusing on many of the same levels I do.

I'm meeting Neko early tomorrow morning. He has a job interview but he's not sure how to get to the place where the interview is being held, so I have to show him. Which means an early tube journey for me. Yippee. After that I go to pick up my summer college results. Yippee again ^_^

Ah well, if it all goes horribly wrong I can probably encourage the returned housemate to join me in alcohol consumption. Yep, Matt has come back and he's brought friends. One of them's staying the night, the other was here this afternoon but just seems to be storing his property here due to some mess with his landlord. They both seem pretty cool anyway. And this evening I somehow managed to create a joke which is destined to become long-running based around the phrase "water sports". If you can't fill in the gaps yourself, don't ask, you probably don't want to know.

I'm beginning to love having housemates. Just need to kick my own ass into cleaning up after myself. Living alone for almost two years gets you into some dreadful habits, I can tell you...


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