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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-03-29 - 10:47 p.m.

Wow, tonight is being quite cool.

Less busy than expected at work tonight - apparently bank holiday Fridays are unusually quiet whereas bank holiday Mondays are always madly busy. Something to do with people going on holiday for the weekend and then coming home and having nothing in the fridge. Or something like that.

While at work I also drew a picture for the first time in a very long time, and it's come out quite nicely so I'm happy.

And then I get home and find I've won first prize in a base edit competition for one of the following two dolls:

I have no idea which one though, but I've e-mailed the girl running the contest to find out. And I'm going to put my award up on my links page and link back to her website when I find out where it is ^_^

Anyway. In other news. Neko and I watched Ring 0 last night and oooh FUCK it's creepy! Nej, you're going to love it. It's not as good as the first one but it's better than the second one, and I have to watch it again to see all the things in the background that you don't completely notice during the first viewing. I know they're there because I caught a few of them.

Yes, it's one of those types of film.

Unlike the first one, it actually had me almost screaming at one point, whereas the first one just sent me recoiling back into the safety of under my quilt. I can't go into much more detail than that because I don't want to ruin it for Nej and Jeff. I will say that it does things and brings in certain story elements that you would never have guessed at from watching the first two films.

Dammit everyone! The Ring trilogy is damn good! Go out and buy the tapes or DVDs NOW!!! If money's a bit tight then don't worry so much about Ring 2, you can get that after you've watched the other two. GO NOW DAMMIT!! And then join my diaryring for it afterwards :)

Right, I'm going to be off now because I'm making teriyaki stir fry and I have to wash up some dishes. Bye bye!


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