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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-03-29 - 1:25 a.m.

I'm in love with the kitten next door.

When I was heading home from work this evening I noticed the kitten from next door poking around near our rubbish bags. The kitten had a long period of absence, which I recently discovered was because she was at the vet - she's been spayed. Just recently she reappeared and I've taken time out to play with her when I see her.

She's so cute.

Anyway, this evening I was coming home from work via Safeway, so I had a bag of groceries to carry too. I noticed the kitten and she came over to me. She's learned that if she comes up to me she's guaranteed to get attention. So, I put down the bag and proceeded to stroke her. Since I was carrying meat in my bag I decided not to play with her for too long, so I picked up the groceries and went to unlock the door.

The kitten, being nosey, waited until I'd opened the door and then sauntered on in.

She wandered around in the foyer for a bit so I figured I'd leave my groceries in my flat, then go downstairs and escort her off the premises. This was not to be.

She followed me up the stairs but got distracted by the mattress propped up against the wall on the first floor, so when I went back out into the corridor I could hear her miaowing at me. I picked her up, introduced her to Neko, then Neko told me I should put her outside in case she got too used to being in here. So I started carrying her down the stairs. As I got near the bottom she started wriggling so I guessed she wanted me to put her down so she could make her own way down the stairs.

Silly, na�ve me.

I put her down on the stairs and... she started rolling around.

Anyone who knows anything about me and cats will know that this was far too much for me to resist, so I started petting her. And then kept petting her. And the more I petted her the more she rolled around. She's easily pleased. In fact, if you pet her long enough she'll get so happy that she'll fall off whatever she's rolling around on. So she kept falling off the stairs.

It's. So. Damn. CUTE!!!!

Anyway, eventually had to put her back outside since I can't keep her... moo. Damn the smallness of my flat and the "no pets" clause and the fact that I live beside a busy road :(

Ah well, as long as the kitten is OK I'll be happy.

Right, Neko and I are going to watch Ring 0, since we've been meaning to for ages. And tomorrow I'll tell you about the hare krishna thing I had to film today. Yep.


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