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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-03-31 - 5:12 a.m.

ARGH! For fuck's sake >_<

Remember how on the old diary I was getting loads and loads of Google hits for "intact hymen" and the like? Well, ever since I got listed on that web directory thingy I've been getting hits from many other search engines other than Google - specifically I've had hits from Ask Jeeves, Looksmart and MSN, and they've been for a variety of interesting things.


And lastly, oddly enough, recently all the hits have been for "naked girls". And I'm at a loss as to why, frankly.

Anyway. I bought Requiem for a Dream today, which from all accounts is a damn good film. Bought it on the strength of the soundtrack, which sounds like the point where Mike Oldfield and Trent Reznor collided - you start out with quite ambient stuff and then it goes all industrial in the next track or so. Haven't watched it yet because I got drunk again this evening. Truth be told, I'm still a little bit smashed but I'm sobered up enough to be coherent.

I made friends with some people on the Piccadilly line on the way home, and Neko and I have been promised free travel by a bus driver to boot. Long story, that. I'll tell you about it in the morning, when I'm sobered up properly, because right now I want to make a cup of Earl Grey and go back to bed.

So stuff we did today, in brief - went to Colindale, met up with X, Silent and Kae, a girl who works with Silent. Kae's Japanese and she and I got on pretty well - we went into the supermarket where we looked at the Japanese sweets and she told me that "cider" in Japan doesn't mean the same as it does over here. Neko, X and Silent buggered off somewhere at one point so the two of us were just left standing in the sweets aisle, looking at things and discussing the difference between Pocky and Fran.

So, after I stocked up on Annoying Sweets (yay!) and other Japanese things o' goodness, we went to the arcade and Neko and I played DDR. We did the great thing of playing Luv 2 Me in Expert mode, with the Little cheat on, so we get a twelve second gap where no arrows appear. And then we both got off the machine, ran around the arcade, and got back to the dance pads just as the arrows came back onto the screen. There was a big crowd of girls in their early teens watching us, they were greatly impressed by this :)

But yeah. After this we went to Books Asahiya and I bought many many books. Picked up a manga version of Birthday (this being the subtitle for Ring 0) and have now discovered there are very few parallels between the film and the manga that I bought, but oh well. Also picked up some birthday presents for Lily (it's not her birthday till May, but I saw some things I KNOW she will like so I had to get them today), so that was profitable.

X decided not to come with us to Leicester Square for food and more dancing, boo. But never mind. We danced and we ate pizza and then we went to get alcohol. When we walked out of the Pizza Hut this guy tripped up and fell over right in front of us. Because he stayed down for a while, Neko and I asked him if he was alright, and I toyed with the idea of phoning an ambulence in case he's broken his leg or am or something, but he eventually got up, smiled at us both and assured us he was OK. Then, as we were walking past the Angus Steak House (=spit spit=) in Leicester Square, a couple of random Oriental girls (ie kids of about 10 or so) started waving at me.

I took a second to make sure they were definitely waving at me. Then I grinned and waved back enthusiastically. They went nuts. Then their mum started scolding them and we walked on.

Hey X! Don't you wish you'd stayed with us now?! =grin=

So... yeah. We managed to get four rounds in despite them throwing us out eventually, and on the tube home I made friends with random women. Neko said I wasn't actually being that loud, but I said to him "I think people can hear me and they're laughing at me" at one stage and this woman looked at me and said "yeah, actually", so I cheered. Then she and her friends got off and I said I'd write to them. They said they looked forward to it. Hee :)

OK, I'm feeling sick again so I'm going to leave it there and see if I can actually make a cup of tea. This should be fun...!


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