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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-07-10 - 2:58 p.m.

So Neko and I went to see Spiderman last night.

It was pretty good, we liked it, but it was pretty much the same as every other superhero film ever made. Although admittedly Spiderman is pretty old so we can't expect the story to do anything especially new and interesting. It looked pretty though.

Today I registered for my retake module for summer college. I've also found out that my first year grades have no bearing whatsoever on my final degree grade, so that one third-class grade I have is no longer much of a concern. As it stands I've therefore got three lower seconds and two upper seconds. If I can get an upper second in Key Concepts over the summer then that'll even things out and if I work my butt off next year I should graduate with an upper second. So yay!

I also managed to scout out a potential new telephonist at work. We've just taken on a new guy but we still need people who can do the job well. While I was sitting in the registry hall at uni I heard this girl talking to another girl about how she'd just lost her job in telesales. I didn't want to butt in at the time but I saw her after I'd registered and she asked if I had a light. SO I gave her my lighter and then mentioned that we needed telephonists. She jumped at the chance and said she'd probably call up this evening. I called work and let the manager know she'd probably be calling and he seemed pleased.

Lovely model employee me :)

Anyway, I'm off now. Neko and I are going to meet up with Nigs and we're then going to go eat Tim Tams and drink a lot. Yay!

I likes Tim Tam parties :)


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