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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-12-08 - 12:32 p.m.

Power cut!

Yep, we got one last night. Neko and I had just finished dinner (late dinner as I finished work late last night) and were about half an hour into Six Degrees of Seperation (which was pretty good for that first half-hour, I must say), when BOOM! the whole street went dark.

John and Dani came downstairs and we obtained as many light-emitting items as possible. So, my zippo, Dani's lighter, and John's mobile phone. We went in search of candles.

The only candles we have in the whole house are small, round ones that last all of about five minutes if you're lucky, and birthday candles, which last about ten seconds. John got a baking tray from the kitchen and proceeded to set up a source of both light and, as we discovered, heat. The candles went out rather quickly so he started lighting other things in the baking tray to keep the light, but that kinda got a bit out of control and we decided we ought to put the fire out. We then discovered we had created the strongest flame in the world.

First, we tried covering the baking tray with a pizza box. Which I knew was a bad idea and probably wouldn't work. Sure enough, it didn't.

Then Matt went to the kitchen, soaked a tea towel right through and we tried the thing the fire brigade recommend you do if there's a chip pan fire - cover the whole pan with the towel. The laws of physics state that this will cut off the oxygen to the fire and it'll starve itself out of existence.


All we managed to do in that effort was scorch the tea towel a bit, so we decided it was time to put water on it. Matt filled an old coke bottle with water and gave it to John. John poured a tiny, tiny amount of water into the baking tray.

And the flame went WHOOSH!!

At this point, Dani was screaming, Neko and I were in stitches, and Matt went to get some oven gloves. Time to take the irrepressible flame outdoors.

We took it outside and put it on the front path. Then John added more water. It went WHOOSH again, but bigger this time. Neko and I laughed madly again while John added the last bit of water that put the flame out. At long last.

We all went back indoors and made do with the light from the last candle, which had somehow escaped being put into the baking tray. Then we heard sirens.

There were three fire engines making their way down the road.

They weren't here for us, as we initially thought, apparently they reckoned the source of the power cut was along our street somewhere. John and Matt went to ask what was going on and while they were there, this old woman came out of her house as the fire engines were stopped outside her house.

Old woman: "What's going on?"
Fireman: "Don't worry, madam, we're here because of the power cut."
Old woman: "TURN THOSE BLOODY LIGHTS OFF! I'm trying to sleep!"

That was amusing.

Anyway, with that over, John, Matt and Dani decided to go to bed and Neko and I went to do likewise. Brushing your teeth in the dark is hard, I can tell you. But anyway, I was brushing my teeth when the power came back on. It was almost 3am at this point, which meant the power had been off for about two hours.

It was fun. But we'll be stocking up on decent candles for next time ^_^


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