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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-05-17 - 12:21 a.m.

Ooh, I'm knackered.

Today I met up with assorted people from a message board, in a big meet-up that has become known as "Pokecon".

Informal mini-con, but without the obnoxious twats and no bad atmosphere.

All in all I spent a lot of money today, introduced (ie addicted) people to Tim Tams, did lots and lots of dancing, and got to spend time in the company of not one, but two really cute girls.

I think it's fair to declare today "fun".

I don't know if I want to play Afronova on Difficult mode while wearing a sailor suit again. No. And I'm going to have to break those new shoes in too, as they did kinda destroy my feet during a couple of songs.

I wish I had some kind of basin so I could soak my feet for a bit...

One quick, fun story from today. We went up to Colindale and went into Books Asahiya. I picked up a Tare Panda picture book, which is stupidly, stupidly cute. Anyway, when I went to pay for it, the sales assistant asked me if I'd actually studied in a Japanese school, and I had to explain to her that it was actually a Card Captor Sakura school uniform from an official cosplay shop. She told me that seeing me in the school uniform made her feel nostalgic.


Right, I have to write a report on one of the shoots I did for Video Production. It's only 175 words so it shouldn't take too long with any luck, I'm just really, really tired right now...


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