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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-05-18 - 11:59 p.m.

I think it's only fair to mention that on Thursday I met the cutest girl to ever walk the earth.

Her screen name is Sugarglass. She's Korean. Incredibly beautiful. Lovely personality. When I met her she had her hair in two buns and was wearing a skirt with a big petticoat. She talks cute. She acts cute. She pretended to rub up against me like a cat at one point. Watching her eat a Tim Tam is the sexiest thing in the whole wide world. I've told her that next time I see her I will probably tie a big ribbon round her and carry her around in a basket. She says that's OK because she likes big ribbons.

Unfortunately, she has a boyfriend, and even if she didn't, I don't think she swings my way.

There's always something with the ones I get besotted with... =sniff=

I'm going to eat a whole chocolate sponge now, because I can do things like that. The joy of being in charge of my own shopping :)


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