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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-12-01 - 11:35 a.m.

I have rediscovered Neopets. And it is slowly but surely devouring my soul once again.

The fact that they've started selling plushies in Claire's Accessories hasn't helped matters. I went to the one in the Trocadero yesterday and got me a plushie Angelpuss. It's so cute! So now I just have to attend to the other things on my wish list, which means scouring the Claire's Accessories stores of London (there are three others that I know sell Neopets stuff which are easily accessible from here, so yay).

Neopets has also put in some new games which are slowly sucking me in. The latest is one which is kinda similar to Boggle. If you don't know what Boggle is, it's a game with 16 cubes with letters printed on them. You shake them up and then try to make words within the time limit. You keep playing till someone gets 100 points.

My mum and I play this whenever I'm at home, and she always beats me at it. But then I always beat her at Scrabble so it's fair I suppose.

Jeez... Neopets, Boggle, Scrabble... I must sound like such a geek. But then, maybe I am... :p

I didn't hit the 50,000 mark in NaNoWriMo in the end, but that's because of real life getting in the way. Stoopid real life. Although admittedly if I'd actually hit the 50,000 mark I probably wouldn't have gotten SEVENTY TWO ON MY SCREENWRITING ASSIGNMENT!!

Yes, people, I will be really quite pleased with myself about this for a long, long time.

Anyway. I set myself a personal goal of 20,000, which I did hit, and to make up for missing the first half of November I'm going to make up the remaining 30,000 words from today till the 15th. I won't officially be a winner but I'll have accomplished the target in 30 days nonetheless.

Hopefully next year there will be less real life to get in the way ^_^

I've discovered one other thing. The secret to a good carbonara. Always, always use smoked bacon. I can't stress this enough. I made the mistake of using normal stuff last night and it tasted really, well, bland.

Right, I have to print out some more of my NaNoWriMo novel and get dressed. I also have to wrap Lily's Christmas present, which will be interesting as I don't know where my wrapping paper is and I don't know whether or not we have any sellotape.

Ah, it's all fun and games...


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