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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-10-08 - 1:22 a.m.

Looking at a blank screen and trying to remember what it was I was going to fill it up with.

I had a hit to the diary for "felicia cosplay", which led me to do some searching about and I discovered there are, in fact, three photos of me on the web. As in, ones I didn't take myself.

Looking at the photos has only really served to remind me that I don't know why the hell I bother. The costume wasn't that great. I still think it was better than the cat Sakura, but then that's not saying a whole lot. I nearly killed myself making that costume and it was still, at the end of the day, not very good. It had "could do better" stamped all over it.

Coupled with the fact that I no longer like anime cons because I don't like the people who go to them, I'm feeling a certain sense of apathy towards Ayacon. Which, I've been reminded, is only three weeks away. I still haven't booked a room and I don't really care. I had a couple of things I was supposed to do for Aya too, but they've been sitting on perpetual back-burners for ages.

I'll go to Ayacon. But it'll be my last con for a long, long time. Assuming I ever go to another one. I don't see the point in paying to be miserable for a weekend. I can do that at home for nothing.

I didn't get my sports card today because they don't know when the classes will be held yet. I've been told to come back at the end of the week to find out, and I'm not parting with my �20 and two crappy passport photos until I know I can make it to the classes. I want to get my money's worth, after all.

Hmm. I'm staying up too long. I usually get this feeling of "meh" when I've been up too long, it just normally hits a whole lot later than this. I guess I'm more tired than usual though. I had to work in the kitchen tonight, which wouldn't have been so bad if it hadn't been very, very quiet. I was bored silly. I think I may have to do it again tomorrow too, because Lucy's wangled her way out of her shift. Grrr.

Jian's left now. Another one bites the dust and once again, I'm one of the last to know about it. They told me I wasn't told that he was leaving because I was off at the weekend, but they must have known he was planning to leave. He must have known he was planning to leave.

I can't help but feel a little hurt at not being told this stuff, especially since I thought Jian and I got on pretty well.

Ah, bollocks. I'm going to bed.


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