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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-10-09 - 11:35 a.m.

Wow, I have a couple of regular readers in British universities.

Not the first time I've had repeat hits from universities, no, not by a long shot, but the main repeat hit I was getting was from Southampton university and that only returned an IP address instead of a username as such, so it may not have been the same person.

Now I've got two people from two different universities that keep coming back, one from Loughborough and one from Westminster.

So hello to both of them :)

Anyway. My Popular Cultures lecture yesterday was kinda hard to absorb. It was about the variations between mass culture, folk culture, high culture and subculture and how they all went together to make up popular culture. Which is fair enough. Unfortunately they figured that the best way to illustrate elements of this was to talk about professional football. A topic that is utterly lost on me.

Break it down this way. I can name, ooh... four current football players. Of those, three are Japanese and two have the same last name. And while I can rhyme off the explanation of the off-side rule, I probably couldn't spot it when it happens. And while I will look out for Fulham matches and look for the results in the papers, my interest in that team is solely and entirely because of Junichi Inamoto.

Fulham FC ain't that far from me. I had a harsh look from one of the bosses and a warning that if I was caught trying to abduct Inamoto, I wasn't to drag the company down with me.

Yes, he was joking. As if I'd get caught :p

Anyway. Because football is utterly incomprehensible as far as I'm concerned, I'm going to go to the seminar session this afternoon and see if I can get away with writing about something different in my journal. The football was only intended to make a point, see, it can be applied to anything with a similar structure. So I'll see what they'll let me get away with.

When I got back from work last night, John insisted on watching Requiem For A Dream. Twice in one week, bloody hell. I think he liked it but it did result in a comedy argument about whether conventional narrative is preferable to alternative narrative.

Then John said he wanted to watch something a bit more positive. So we watched Cube.

I've also discovered that John has a phobia about animatronics. Or he did when he was a kid, anyway. As such, he was scared of Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal and The Neverending Story. All of which formed a significant portion of my childhood film-watching, even if I did have to watch The Dark Crystal on the sly. Grrr to over-protective parents.

Anyway. I produced my copy of The Neverending Story and he wouldn't even touch the box. I think that was for comedy effect more than anything else. It worked though.

Anyway, I must wash my hair and dress and go to uni. I think I have the house to myself at the moment, so I can use the upstairs shower. Whee!


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