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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-09-03 - 12:42 p.m.

Today is set to be the day of more laundry. Yes indeed.

I got through a chunk of it yesterday and in the process I have discovered that the washing machine here doesn't like those detergent tablet things. So now I must buy liquid.

I got some stuff last night which is specifically for black clothes, since a large proportion of my clothes are black. So now I just need stuff for doing colours and whites.

I think I'll stick my black things in the machine, go buy some more detergent and by the time I get back, the black stuff will be done and I can hang it out on the line.

Then I have to iron the stuff from yesterday. Yes, I have an ironing board now! Bwahaha!! A lot of my clothes come out fairly minimally on the crease front though, so it's never really mattered. I just really like ironing ^_^

I'm now debating whether to go out tonight or tomorrow night. Since the bar I tried to go to last week was closed so the staff could go on holiday, I'm going to have another try at going there this week. Either tonight or tomorrow.

The problem with going tonight is that I'd either have to leave early or stay till it closes and miss Oz. I likes me my Oz.

I'll see how much headway I'm making with the laundry.

Meh. I'm still tired. Time for a mild dose of caffeine...


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