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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-09-21 - 12:52 p.m.

Got home from work last night to find that John had returned with his girlfriend. It was only a fleeting visit though, as they left again this morning. He'll be back for the year tomorrow night, apparently.

John and the girlfriend went to bed at one point and I stayed up to watch Buffy. Then Matt and Joey got back and John came back downstairs. They all went into the kitchen, leaving me on my lonesome to watch this big demon thing with massive teeth sucking the life out of kids in hospital. Fun.

When that was over I went into the kitchen where they were all eating and commenting on how you can tell my kitchen things from their kitchen things because my stuff is nice.

John insisted on playing this game where someone picks a category and we go round each person playing and get them to name something that fits into that category. First category was hot drinks. I failed miserably and slunk off to the living room where I drank sake and played Jet Set Radio. Eventually they all joined me and the game continued.

Next was films starring Tom Hanks. It got down to me versus John in the end but I had to drop out because I think we'd exhausted Tom Hanks' career by the time it got to that stage.

Then it became states of America. I won that one, but not without arguing about which ones had already been said and which ones hadn't.

"We've had that one!"
"No, I'd remember if we had, it's the same as the Japanese for 'good morning'."
"Is it?"

And so on.

Eventually we all went to bed. This morning I woke up, looked at my watch and saw it was 11.30. Leapt out of bed, grabbed some clothes and ran to the post office down the road to post Nii-chan's birthday present. Got there just in time, too. Damn the post office and its closing-at-noon-on-Saturdays antics. Grrr.

I don't want to go to work tonight. I really don't. Last night was not wonderful, not least because we were joined by Julie the talking car ornament, who proceeded to do things like wander out of the office for ten-minute toilet breaks and mess up orders. It was one of those nights where, if a mistake was made, you knew immediately who was responsible.

Julie annoys me more in the office than Ruth does, because at least Ruth knows to keep an eye on what we have in stock and we're out of. Julie is just plain incompetent. I'm going to have a word with the boss about this. We should just get another telephonist instead of bringing her in for busy shifts. Failing that, they can hire another kitchen assistant so they don't keep having to send Lucy out to make starters. We need her in the office.

I'm beginning to think I'll be glad when I can quit that job, I really am.


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