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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-08-08 - 12:49 p.m.

Well, this may very well be my last update for a while. Today I'm going to be clearing up my PC desk and dismantling it so I can move it to the new place. I don't know when I'll have home internet access back and I'm not sure if or when I'll have time to get to the computer labs at uni. My assignment is due in two weeks and I'm going to be pumping as many of my energies into that as possible, especially when I get all my stuff moved out of here. There are only a few big things to move now anyway.

I've received confirmation that I will indeed be going into the third year. I got my letter saying the new academic year starts on the 27th of September, so all I have to do now is pass summer college. And I'm feeling good about my essay at this stage.

It's going to be kinda weird moving out of here after I've been here for almost two years. I'm going to have to get used to getting a different bus, or getting off the tube at a different stop. And I'm going to be living with other people now, too. I'm going to have to get used to that, meaning that I'm going to have to train myself to wash my dishes after I've used them instead of leaving them until I need clean dishes again.

I do love the new place though. I was sitting in the living room today, watching TV. The TV has a bigger screen and a decent picture. That's so cool :)

Right, I need to get off. I have a few people who are expecting e-mails, and then I have to set about removing stuff from my desk and forcing myself to throw most of it out. I'm such an awful hoarder.


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