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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-05-13 - 11:49 a.m.

Aha! I've snuck out of my lecture and am now typing this in the cybercafe downstairs! Hahahar!!

Actually, this means I'm using the Mac. Which i can NOT get used to.

This is just something quick because I don't want to push my luck with the rest of my group, but I have good news.

Tigger's back!

Tigger is also known as the kitten that lives next door. I hadn't seen her for almost a month so I was getting worried about her, especially since the last time I saw her she narrowly escaped being hit by a car. But this morning I was standing at the bus stop and she went running through the churchyard, down the pavement, across the road and into her garden. Yay!

I like when cats are OK.

Also, some fun news. On Thursday there's going to be a big meet-up of people on this message board I'm on, and I'm going. Thing is, there's going to be this really cute girl there too. There are no words to describe how cute this girl is, trust me. So I am muchly looking forward to it!

Unfortunately, despite me promising to be on my best behaviour, Neko's threatening to come with me to stop me from crawling all over her. Grrr. It's not like I'm any good at talking to girls, I get all shy and nervous. Honest!

I think Neko may forget about the whole thing though, so he won't be babysitting me. Yay!

Right, I must run away now before I have someone coming down and yelling at me for skiving. And I'm not really skiving, I'm just avoiding the atmosphere of the editing suite for a bit... :D


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