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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-05-13 - 1:00 a.m.

ARGH. Last entry I was hungry and incoherent. This time I'm knackered, so it'll probably be incoherent too.

I'll try and stick to one topic. And that one topic will be the film that Neko and I have just come back from seeing.

Dog Soldiers.

This has already been getting comparisons with The Evil Dead and the phrase "cult classic" has been splashed around in a couple of reviews. Basically, it's being marketed as a low budget British horror film, and the first offering from a new director.

He's done a rather nice job, too.

It does violent, it does hilarious, and it does them both at the same time sometimes. The audience were in stitches in places, and one particular bit prompted applause from people.

This is sounding horrible, I know, but I don't want to write any potential spoilers. And I'm really tired.

I suspect that the budget on Dog Soldiers only stretched to hiring some DV Cameras like the ones I use on my course, and a bog-standard editing suite with Media 100 on it, and all the rest of the budget covered what special effects there were (ie a couple of explosions and some werewolf costumes that you never see all that clearly anyway).

I did like it quite a lot. And why yes, I would like to see it again. It's a stupid film, but it's stupid in a funny way, not stupid in an oh-my-God-why-did-I-pay-good-money-to-see-this kind of way.

I am kinda miffed that they showed a really long trailer for Resident Evil at the start though. I'm not sure if I even need to see the film now.

And as a note to myself, next time I go to the cinema I must remember to bring some beads or stones or something so I can throw them at people who won't shut the fuck up. Neko and I were stuck sitting in front of a couple of Indian blokes who kept laughing really loudly at the wrong times and muttering away to each other. One of them had his foot stuck out the side and it was right next to me... on reflection, I could have whacked his foot repeatedly and then made a phoney apology. Or I could have poured my drink all over him. Heh.

Right. I'm going to make myself a cup of tea and then crawl into bed. Have to be in uni tomorrow after all...


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