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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-05-12 - 3:16 p.m.


Well, another dull Sunday is here. My room's beginning to get messy again, I should clear it up later.

Superman III is on. I can't help but think that they just went stupid with this one. Lorelei's cool though. She reminds me of my eldest cat - acts incredibly dumb whenever you're in the room, but as soon as you leave he's pondering quite intellectual things. Probably. I wouldn't put it past him.

The smartest cats are the ones who don't let on that they're smart.

I'm hungry now, but I have nothing to cook anything with. Or rather, I can cook something, but it wouldn't be anything Neko would eat.

He's even pickier than I am. Grrr.

I may just drag him out to find a cafe that's still open or something. Sundays suck for shop closing times.

Bah, this is all over the place. I'm going to discuss eaty things with Neko and I'll write something a bit more coherent later.


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