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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2003-04-10 - 5:44 a.m.

Hooray for insomnia.

So, my body has decided it'd be fun to mess me around for a while. How considerate of it.

As it stands, I have two infections, both of which require antibiotics. On top of my depo injection, that means I'm going to end up on three different medications at once, which doesn't exactly appeal to me. Especially since antibiotics can interfere with contraceptives. Yay.

I spent yesterday in the university library, hunting down books for this essay I want to write before I start working on writing my dissertation. Found a total of seven that were of use, but three of them were reference only and I wasn't allowed to take them out. And they looked like the most promising ones, too. Grrr.

Considering that I spent the day doing rather a lot it's kinda weird that I should have insomnia now. I dozed off around 9pm and woke up three hours later, but haven't felt the need to go back to sleep since. And I need to eat something, but I'm not about to roast potatoes at this time in the morning.

Maybe in a few hours, if I haven't managed to go back to sleep, I can go out and get some breakfast. Yeah. And call back into the library to see if they have any non-reference versions of those books I want to take out.

There's supposed to be a test screening session today for the video projects, as well as a postgrad fair in the evening. I'm in two minds about attending both of these. The problem with the test screening session is that our rough cut has already had a test screening, so if I go to the class empty-handed I'll look a bit weird. At the same time, I'd kinda like to see how everyone else has done.

As for the postgrad fair, well, it would be handy if I were to go and check things out since I want to take this Master's, but I did have other things I wanted to get done in the evening and I do already know which Master's I want to take. So I don't know.

Ah, I'll work it out. Depends on how tired I am, I suppose.

I'm going to make myself a cup of tea and see if that helps.


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