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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2003-05-24 - 12:00 p.m.

=blows away the cobwebs=

Fucking hell, it's been a while!

What have I been up to in the last month and a half? Well, not a whole lot, really. Nothing overly interesting.

I lost my connection in the middle of April because I was redecorating my bedroom. The walls were a really quite evil colour, and there were handprints all over them. I didn't especially want some reminders of the previous tenant's sex life, and I hated the dirty cream colour of the wallpaper and the fact that all the white things in this room were stained yellow with nicotine.

So, now my walls are a lovely shade of blue, the door, radiator and skirting board are properly white again, and my ceiling is aqua.

I painted the walls and ceiling two different colours because I couldn't decide between the two sample colours I got. Plus there were handprints round the light fixture, and when you consider how high my ceiling is that's a pretty scary prospect. I wasn't sure whether or not that combination of colours would work, but it has, and I'm glad.

I've since been told that being unable to decide between two colours and using both in the hopes that they look good together is quite a male thing to do. So I'm a man now. Yes.

Actually, I've adopted the mantle of "DIY dyke", despite Neko insisting that I'm not a dyke. And I suppose he's right, it's just that "DIY femme" doesn't have the same ring to it. See, I didn't just redecorate, I completely overhauled the bedroom, so everything's been moved around. I ripped the staples out of the floor (the notion of carpet tape apparently didn't occur to the previous tenant), fixed the clothes rack, and have built a bookcase. Which, miraculously enough, accommodates all my books rather nicely.

If you ever need a flatpack put together, give me a call, I love the things :D

Anyway. I've had my connection back for a while, but have been largely occupied by my uni work. I handed my dissertation in yesterday (37 pages it was in the end, ugh) and in two weeks time my drama production stuff is due in. And then I'm done.

It feels pretty weird to think that my degree is almost over. I was saying to Neko the other night that it's weird, cos for the last four years it's felt like a degree is really far away in the distant future. And up until a couple of weeks ago it still felt like that. Now it's hit me that getting my degree is only two weeks away ^_^

So, yes. It's weird.

Umm... can't think of anything much else to write at this stage. Just wanted to assure people that I'm not dead or anything :P


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