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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2003-03-31 - 12:29 p.m.

OK, I know a few days ago I said I had a chest infection and would be seeing the doctor on Wednesday. But that's turned out to be a lie. The infection has magically disappeared without the aid of antibiotics, which leaves me wondering what on earth has happened.

I'm not complaining, it's just weird. Usually when I get this infection it just gets steadily worse until I get the antibiotics... maybe the stuff they gave me in Brussels has somehow remained in my system. That was some good stuff.

Anyway. I'm having a bit of a break now before the gigantic essay-writing frenzy commences in a couple of days time. That's going to be fun, I can tell you. I still have to balance all this with the editing, which hopefully won't take up huge amounts of my time. The editor has already said I don't need to come in for a few days while she does the digitising and starts cutting it together, which is cool. I still have to show up for much of the process just to keep the girl who was being our DP (camera) out of the way.

She's insisting on being there for the edit, despite the fact that the DP plays no role in the editing process. There are only two spaces per edit suite, three at an absolute maximum, so there just won't be room for her in any case since the producer will be coming along too.

Hopefully this will prevent any further problems. I, along with everyone else including our actors and extras, had my fill of her on the actual shoot.

I'll not go into any more detail about that, I've already vented elsewhere.

Umm... stuff. I think I ought to go get dressed and do something productive. Yes.


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