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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-06-08 - 6:09 a.m.

Note to self: avoid certain people's diaries for the duration of the World Cup. So David Beckham managed to kick a ball into a net. That's nice. Feel my apathy.

In distinctly more important news, I've got my exam paper for Monday. A total of 8 questions, of which I have to pick two and write essays.

This means that I'm going to be spending as much of today and tomorrow as possible reading and writing like a mad 'un. I still have to talk to my lecturer about that late essay, but I spoke to the pathway leader today and he reckons there shouldn't be a problem given the circumstances, I just need to speak to my lecturer.

This week is going to be action-packed, I tells ya. Monday I have my exam. Tuesday I'm probably going to be having a girl's day out with Wiley (yay!). Wednesday is Thorpe Park, Thursday is the weekly Tim Tam party and then Friday... umm... wow, I don't have any plans for Friday yet. I'm sure that'll fill up pretty quickly though ^_^

Last night I had fun discussion with Ruth about whether or not being a manager meant I was allowed to do certain things.

Basically, telephonists aren't authorised to offer more than a �5 credit or refund on a kitchen error. Anything higher and we're supposed to consult with the duty manager. So last night a customer phoned up and complained that a) she didn't get the ice cream she ordered and b) the Lemon chicken was heavily overdone on the ginger. Being that she was a good customer and was 8 months pregnant, I sympathised with her situation and have arranged for the total cost of these two items to be refunded, since it was getting late and she didn't want to have fresh food sent out, and she turned down my offer of credit.

The conversation with Ruth went thus:

Ruth: =gives the details of the complaint=
Me: OK, fine, I'll stick a credit for the cost onto her account.
Ruth: Are you authorised to do that?
Me: Yes, Ruth, I've been made call centre manager.
Ruth: But has Dill (da boss) authorised you to give more than �5 credit?
Me: Being that it was Dill who made me a manager, I think so, yes.
Ruth: But has he actually said you can give more than �5 credit??
Me: Ruth. I'm a manager. I can offer whatever credit I see fit.

I strongly suspect that Ruth doesn't like me being a manager. Touch of the green-eyed monster, probably. The way she whinged and complained when they started training Jian to do dispatch... it's amazing. Ah well, if she does any bitching in the office or to Dill about me it will inevitably get back to me, and I can pass on a few comments of my own. She can work her way around the system alright, but she's not so hot a worker at the end of the day.

Besides, any bitching she does will probably fall on deaf ears. Everyone knows that I know my stuff in that office.

Right, I've had a grand total of about 6 hours sleep in the last 48 hours or thereabouts, so I'm off to bed for a bit. I'll see how much study I can get away with doing in work tonight :)


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