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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-05-26 - 12:02 p.m.

This morning I woke up at 9.45, despite me going to bed at 3.15.

Typical - I can't get up on time when I have early morning lectures but during the summer or on weekends? Then my body clock decides to kick in. Grr.

I'm going to try to go to bed early tonight, because I have much to do in the morning. I'm going to go close my Abbey National savings account and put my savings into one of Halifax's high interest accounts.

My current savings account gives me 0.2% gross interest. The web saver gives me 4.05%. I might actually start noticing my interest now ^_^

I still need to get sorted on that Film and TV essay, too. I'll try and watch The Shining and The Usual Suspects this evening and make some notes on the framing and things, then look for relevant stuff in my books tomorrow morning, probably.

Then I can bring those books back, get started on my Creative Communication essay and go sweet-talk my Analysing Film lecturer into taking my essay. Fingers crossed!

I'm getting increasingly unsure of my choice of topic for Creative Communication - I was going to write about subtle discrimination in advertising but I'm not completely sure where I'd be going with it. Maybe I'd be better looking at the list of suggested essay questions and picking one of them.

Shame, really, because subtle discrimination is an interesting topic. Have you ever noticed that when a pair of tights or a pot of paint or whatever is described as being "flesh-coloured", it's always white flesh-coloured? Products aimed at women present a stereotypical view of what women are like, products aimed at men present a stereotypical view of what men are like. Products aimed at children are often very clearly-defined as being either "for boys" or "for girls" through the way they are advertised.

Interesting topic, see, but I can't think of an angle that will fit into the module. I'll have to look at the module study guide again and think. A lot ^_^

I'm going to have to try not to get too distracted with my Flash movie-making antics. I've been fiddling with that animation program ever since my TV studio module last semester. I've only made a couple of animations so far but I likes them.

I made this one with a fly flying into an insectocuter. I send it to people my age and they think it's funny. I sent it to my dad and he says "it's a bit negative, isn't it?"

My dad doesn't get my humour :)

Someone has planted a horrible, scary, evil idea for a Flash movie into my head. I expect that I'll make it, show it to Neko and he'll never want to speak to me again. But I like this idea too much to let that stop me! If it comes together I may even change my mind about not going to Aya just so I can enter this thing in the anime music video competition thingy. If there is one. And if there isn't, I'll just look nicely at the chairman and convince him to play it after the masquerade or something.

He likes me now, but he'll hate me afterwards. Hee!

Now, must figure out how to put music into Flash files, and hope it all synchs together... ^_^;


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