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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-04-19 - 2:45 p.m.

We shot some more things for our documentary yetserday. What it mostly consisted of was filming a few interviews with Krishna devotees, then one of their chanting sessions, then some interviews with people on the street.

It was during the interviews with the devotees that I began to wish I'd had more of a hand in the writing process. The questions we were asking we all incredibly fluffy, and there was no spontaneity to them because the girl doing the interview was no good at interview technique.

I was sitting there and thinking of things I wanted to ask them. What do they think of elements of their culture being used in the media? Do they consider homosexuality more sinful than heterosexuality? What would their responses be to things like But our questions were all to the effect of "how did you get involved in the religion?" and "what religion were you before you joined?".

Maybe student documentaries aren't supposed to be probing, but I really do hate the way it went yesterday.

I was also really annoyed about how, when we were interviewing members of the public, our opening question was "what do you think of the Hare Krishna people?". I guess that's what you get when your interviewer doesn't speak English as a first language.

By the way, the general public are the most uncooperative people imaginable. Took us about 45 minutes just to get a handful of interviews. And women are worse than men.

Anyway, after yesterday I've got muscular pain in both legs and in my left shoulder joint. Plus I'm getting a cold again. Dammit.

Right, I'm going to get dressed and go get something to eat before I go to work. It's Friday. It's going to be busy. Yay.


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