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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-04-21 - 2:10 a.m.

I'm going to write about my day tomorrow. I'm a bit too tired to do it now.

So instead, a general message to my male friends, and any men out there who would ever entertain the idea of being my friend in the future.

For the love of all things holy, don't suddenly decide that you fancy me six months down the line. And if you must, for goodness sakes don't tell me that you do.

I like having male friends. I truly do. But to find out that they fancy me after I've spent six months to a year or longer thinking it was purely platonic is, quite frankly, most unsettling.

If you meet me and you fancy me, tell me then. If you meet me and you think you may end up fancying me down the line, tell me then. And if you have already known me for longer than five or six months and have suddenly decided that you fancy me, keep your mouth shut. I don't want to know about it and, frankly, you don't want me to know about it either.

See, Kenshin admitted that he fancied me a couple of days after he first met me. And I was cool with it. My LJ friend Joe has been rather open about fancying me from day one. And again, that's cool.

But all too often I have long-term male friends who will one day find a way of saying "by the way, I'd love to go out with you if you didn't have a boyfriend/didn't live in London/any other reason". And that's not cool. It makes things bloody awkward for all concerned.

And frankly, what makes anyone fancy me is a perpetual mystery to me. Much like the magical Vietnamese millions.

Right, sleepy for me now...


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