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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-11-28 - 11:24 a.m.

Right. I'm getting so sick of this.

My PC has been playing silly buggers ever since August and it's slowly becoming ever more decrepit. It's at a point now where, when I start it up, a random program will decide to constantly crash, and of late it's been particularly fond of making Internet Explorer perform these mystical "illegal operations".

What does this mean? Well, it makes it hard to disconnect for one thing, as it kills my online status icon. It also has a lovely habit of resetting any message boards that I happen to be registered with so I have no idea which posts are new and which ones aren't. And its latest trick was to just log me out of everything that I stay constantly logged into.

This wasn't such a problem with things like my livejournal or my neopets account, which I often log into on other machines so I know the passwords. With things like UKA, Moon Wolf and the NaNoWriMo message board, it's been a case that I just stay continuously logged into them and don't use them on any other machine as they don't have a log out facility. As such, I'm left making educated guesses as to what my password might be for those.

It's all sorted now, but I'm not impressed. The sooner I get the time to sort myself out with some new PC bits the better. Mr. PC, you have served me well over the last three years, but I feel it's time to put you into retirement.

Hopefully once that's sorted, the boys here will get a network sorted out and I can stop using dialup. I'm getting pretty sick of having to reconnect every two hours, I can tell you.

Anyway. Must get dressed and go to uni now. Then I have work. Yay.


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