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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-09-09 - 11:26 p.m.

For the last couple of days my stomach has been feeling like it's coated in liquid nitrogen. Don't ask me how I know what that feels like, just trust me.

So, first it was my foot, then my shoulder, now it's my stomach. My head'll drop off next. I think the bolts need a tightening ^_^

Neko and I went to the Japanese festival thing in Colindale yesterday. I got talked into putting on my kimono and walking around. Unfortunately we got there so late that by the time I got changed, all the other girls in kimonos had left and I felt quite silly. I swear people were staring and giggling, but Neko keeps insisting they weren't.

We played Para Para too. I'm pleased to say that I've gotten the hang of copying the way the girl on the screen is dancing, so I'm no longer standing around and looking silly during long stretches with no actions. This means I never get anything higher than a B, mind, which is kinda annoying. Grrr.

Well, from tomorrow I'm going to be tidying up like a mad thing, because Matt's coming back on the 15th and I don't want him to come back to a mess. Neko's going to give me a hand tomorrow, but he's going home in the evening so here's hoping we get a lot done. I find it very difficult to motivate myself if Neko isn't here to give me the odd encouraging kick in the bum. And I still want to be able to get some work done on my model. I started painting it today and I'm happy with it so far. I need some more of that Pallid Flesh stuff though. It's the only "flesh" paint I've found that actually looks realistic, all the others have a sort of "too long under the sunbed" look to them. That Skuld that I made last year looks like she's drunk too much Sunny Delight.

Anyway. I've been promising myself a bath for a couple of days so I may as well go do that now, while I have time. The heat will be most welcome at this stage, too, since I'm in a constant state of freezing these days.

Nighty night, then :)


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