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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-12-05 - 12:16 p.m.

There should be a ban on certain types of people. My specific objection?

People who won't shut the fuck up.

My Popular Cultures seminar was disturbed yesterday by one such person. This girl is the ultimate in gobby. She sits at the front of lecture halls just so she can pick fights with the lecturer and argue with him when he cites something which has been said by someone else that she objects to.

During our Writing For Media module, the lecturer said that newspapers are used for education, but only in socialist countries. In other words, socialist countries use their press to inform the public of the staus quo and maintain control.

Simple, yes?

This girl stands up and says that she doesn't think that's true, because our newspapers have "did you know?" columns and puzzles that test your knowledge and mathematical ability, and that's education!!

Well done, dear, you missed the point entirely.

So, anyway, our seminar was supposed to be a discussion of a case study into teenage girls' magazines. This girl, however, just wandered off on her own train of thought, didn't let anyone else get a word in edgeways (apart from her friends, who she somehow invited into the class, grrr), and killed most of the seminar time with her own little rants.

And gross hypocrisy too! She started out by complaining about how there's no such thing as chivalry anymore and it's so damn annoying that men don't hold the door for her, but then when my lecturer said that he'd watched his wife give birth to their first child and concluded that women are much tougher than men, she came out with "ugh! I wish men wouldn't watch their wives give birth! When I had my baby I told my husband... well, EX-husband now... to get the fuck outta there!"

Yep. She's one of those.

She also somehow got off on a spiel about how it's disgraceful that women will work for the Daily Star and then followed this up with the fact that she knows someone who used to work for the News of the World (marvellous publication that is, of course) and how he told her exactly how James Bulger was murdered and exactly what had happened to Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman. And quite apart from the total lack of relevance, can anyone say "lack of journalistic integrity"??

Other classics from her included "no offence to all the Caucasian people here, but... Caucasians suck!!" and her guaranteeing me that I would want lots and lots of children.

I looked at her harshly and told her I was a lesbian. Which shut her up for about ten seconds before she found something else to whinge about.

If she comes back to my seminar session again, I'm walking out. We only have one left before we hit study periods anyway, so I should be OK. There are loads of these women in my year now though, and they all have several kids and bad attitudes. Seriously, they bring their kids into lectures, eat and talk loudly through the classes, but they'll give you such lip if you politely ask them to quiet down.

Ugh. Anyway, that's my rant out of my system for today. Some breakfast for me now, and some work...


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