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2002-04-02 - 2:37 p.m.

I was going to change the date format but then I figured it'd look messy to have a sudden change after three months of year/month/date, so I'm leaving it for now.

It's my brother's birthday on the 8th. I really ought to get him a card or something. I'd buy him a present but given the way the postal service is being right now, it's probably better if I don't. I could send him a cheque, I suppose, but it wouldn't be for very much.

That said, Nii-chan posted me a cheque several weeks ago and it still has yet to show up.

Come to think of it as well, in a month I'll have been writing this diary for a year. But I'm not sure whether or not to actually celebrate it as a year anniversary, seeing as I deleted all the entries up until January this year.

There's a diaryring for diaries that are a year old, which I would join except they might not consider me to have been writing for a whole year, what with the big delete. But a personal anniversay is a bit different as I have continued to write in this thing since May of last year, big delete or no big delete.

Ah, I'll work it out.

Looks like I'll be doing my laundry after I have my injection, as Neko still isn't out of bed yet. Something has majorly fucked up our sleeping patterns and I think it's a combination of Saturday night's drunkenness and our near-constant use of the internet. I've started re-reading *Acts of Gord*, and that takes up quite a lot of time. It's worth it though, because it's funny.

Neko has just woken up, and he wants to look around charity shops for cosplay things, so I'm going to go now. At least if I'm in Ealing I can't miss my appointment this time...


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