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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2003-01-21 - 12:54 p.m.

Wisdom teeth.

OUCH >_<

If you're going through, or have already been through this fun then you know what I'm talking about. If not, then you have this to look forward to, don't you?

Basically, my wisdom teeth have come up rather sporadically. I've had two on the lower jaw that have come up very slowly and are now only partically uncovered. The upper jaw has been weird in that one tooth has come through very late and the other... well, no effort whatsoever from that one. I think it may have something to do with the fact that I managed to push one of my molars out when I was younger and the rest of my teeth have just slipped so now I don't know any better.

Anyway. What's causing me immense pain now is one of the partially uncovered ones on the lower jaw. It's coming up some more, and the flesh covering it has decided that rather than recede like it did beforehand, it's going to stay put and allow itself to be pushed up at an angle. And that's where the OUCH comes in.

I'm going to make an appointment with the dentist today and see what can be done. I'm hoping they'll decide to excise that bit of flesh. It's not doing anything anyway. In the meantime I'm looking for short-term methods of pain relief. So that'll be nurofen and bonjela. Yay and stuff.

Owwwwww... ;_;


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