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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-09-28 - 2:57 a.m.


Would I say today has been insanely stressful? Why, yes I would.

I was late getting to registration because of the excursion to Birkbeck. When I got to registration, no-one told me what I was supposed to do or where I was supposed to be. I basically stood around like an idiot before going to sit down and finally deciding the best course of action was to join the long queue in the corner of the room. Then I was told I had to go to the other end of the room to get my enrolment form.

Now, since the enrolment forms last year had the relevant module names printed on them I was expecting much the same thing. But no, we had to write them in ourselves this year, which annoyed me because I had no idea what options I'd been signed up to and didn't know what the codes for my minor modules were.

A lot of running around and prodding of appropriate people later, I established which options I was doing (Cybercultures and Genres, yay!), found out all my codes and finally got my enrolment form signed. Part one out of the way.

Part two was taking my enrolment form to the faculty office and getting my smartcard activation token. But the faculty office had two separate lines coming out of it and no indication of which one was which. So I stood around for ages only to discover I was in the wrong queue. Grrr. Finally managed to fight my way into the relevant place and got my token.

Now, the token is something that has a time printed on it for you to go and arrange for your fees to be paid. Since mine said 3.30 and it was now 2.50, coupled with crippling hunger (genius university, hold registration at lunchtime �_�), Neko and I decided to go get some food. Or the cheap equivalent. McDonald's it was.

Yeah, Neko came with me to keep me company. he so lovely :)

After eating we went back to uni to sort out my fees. Now, I had a problem with this last year, as you may or may not recall. Basically, my dad pays my tuition fees. But my dad can't just come over to London for the day in order to fill in my forms, which resulted in immense hassle last year. To the effect that I couldn't fully register until they had my dad's standing order form, which meant no loan cheque for me for a while.

This year, I imagined fewer difficulties since they'd posted a standing order form to me in advance, which I gave to my dad and he filled it in and posted it. Which all sounds nice and easy, yes? Well, it wasn't.

They had no record of my dad sending a standing order form. When I finally managed to get hold of him he said he's posted the letter through the internal mail in the hospital, where it could have gotten lost.

=growly noises=

They've provisionally taken my Barclaycard number and enrolled me on that, but they've also said I can just change the payment details at a later date, which is what I'll do on Monday, most likely. But it was still bloody annoying. My dad decided to change his phone number and neglected to tell me, so I had to phone home (twice), get the new number off my sister, then try to call that one. Only to discover it was turned off anyway.

Once that horrible nightmare was out of the way, all I had to do was get my student status letter and then I could go get my loan cheque.

Whereas last year we filled in the student status letters ourselves, this year someone took your enrolment form and printed one off for you. The guy who did mine not only took ages, he got my address wrong, despite me filling in a change-of-address form a few months back AND writing my new address onto my enrolment form. And by the time he did get that sorted out, the time was almost 5.00. The finance office, where I was supposed to get my loan cheque, had been closed for half an hour.

I gripped Neko's hand so hard when I found that out. You'd think they'd keep things like the finance office open until the end of registration, really, but then I suppose that would require the use of logic �_�

Work was equally horrible, given that I was exhausted and really, really snappish because I hadn't eaten anything. Chicken nuggets don't count as food. I managed to get some Bombay potatoes and I cheered up considerably after I'd eaten them, but work was still horrible. Too many bloody customers and, after a certain point, too many of them were complaining.

Ugh. I'm going to bed. I'll maybe write some more stuff in the morning, or something.


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