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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-03-11 - 1:43 a.m.

I'm going to go to bed soon. Honest.

I feel really tired, I have been ever since Minami. In fact, ever since before Minami. I can come off my high activity peak now but there's still some transitional fatigue there.

I went out with Neko and his housemates on Saturday though. That was immense fun. See, one of Neko's housemates had a birthday last week so they were all going to Bracknell on Saturday to go bowling and play DDR. And since I was there, I went along too.

Shortly before we left, it was suddenly announced that we were going to do a kind of fancy dress-type thing and we were all going to wear the daftest clothes we could lay hands on.

Having bought a purple satin kimono that very afternoon for a mere �2.99, I wore that, put my hair into a makeshift bun and got Neko to paint the kanji for "cat" on my forehead.

I think I looked a bit normal compared to everyone else, but oh well :)

The funniest thing happened when we were on the train, waiting to leave. Three girls came down the carriage, wanting to go into the next one. They were walking single file so each of them, in turn, gave us funny looks. One of them said something about trauma and needing therapy or something, so I started cheering, which resulted in this fantastic look of shock and horror from the girl at the front before they ran away.

We all laughed heartily and then started taking the mick out of her uber-overhang.

The best thing about this was that there were two people sitting behind us who saw the whole thing and proceeded to laugh their asses off about it. So we did the only thing we could have done - we befriended them.

They got off the train at Winnersh, unfortunately, but Chrispy said he'd write to them, so yay :)

So, yes. We went bowling in Bracknell and discovered that they have some of the nicest chips in the world. I know this because I nicked chips from everyone else's plates. Hee hee :)

Neko didn't want to bowl but he sat and watched while I looked foolish. I haven't been bowling for many years because the IRA blew our bowling alley up while I was at college and they never rebuilt it. And I think last time I went bowling they had those barriers up so you can bowl like a muppet and still hit something.

So, yeah. I wasn't very good.

Our team actually consisted of me, Adi, Matt and another girl called Rachel who apparently used to have Neko's room in the house. There wasn't much point in Rachel or me playing though, because Adi and Matt were constantly getting strikes and spares and what-have-you so Rachel and I were also-rans. Oh well.

Adi acts weird when I'm playing a game though - he goes into uber-supportive mode.

"My money's on H-B".
"Adi... it was a gutterball."
"No! No! You can do it!"
"My score is currently sitting on zero!"

And so forth. He was doing this while we were playing pool at Minami too.

My abilities when it comes to playing games like pool or bowling are horribly variable. I will either completely throw the laws of physics out the window and act like an idiot to very limited success, or I'll just not try at all and somehow do really well. Unfortunately, I have very little control over which I am. It isn't just a case of deliberately not trying unfortunately, because I never try anyway :p

While I was sitting down at one stage, a bunch of nine-year-old kids who'd been using the lane next door came over and started asking "why are you dressed like that?" and suchlike. One of them asked me if my "cat" bindi was a real tattoo. I said "no, but I've got a real one here" and pointed to my lower abdomen. And they said "don't show us that."


After the bowling we went and played DDR. I went first and did Afronova on Difficult, More Than This 98 on Expert, then I put it on Luv 2 Me Expert with the "Little" cheat.

Luv 2 Me is fun on Expert if you use the "Little" cheat. See, that makes it so you don't have any steps that are off-beat, and since Luv 2 Me normally has a lengthy bit with no on-beat steps, in "Little" mode you get a lengthy bit with no steps at all, so I did the only self-respecting thing to do when you're in a strange place with several people watching you and you're wearing a purple kimono.

I leapt off the machine, ran around the arcade, came back to the machine, grabbed the back bar, swung around and landed in a crouching position.


I had to leave early, unfortunately, but I really wish I could go out places with people a bit more often. It's such a rare occurrence for me and I've always assumed I'm just not a social creature, but I actually quite like going out with friends. Especially when I get an excuse to play silly buggers :)

Right, that's enough for now. Sleep. Yes.


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