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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2003-02-05 - 11:19 a.m.

Ah, yesterday was good.

Neko and I went to Camden and bought clothes. Sooo many clothes! Well, I bought more than he did, truthfully. I was celebrating my successful end to my first semester while maintaining my new year's resolution of "one new outfit per month". In fact, I bought two yesterday. One is very, very pink, and the other is rather more purple.

I haven't tried the purple one on yet but the pink one... it's just the most astounding colour you've ever seen, I tells ya. They could use me as some kind of homing beacon in the North Sea or something, that's how bright it is.

It's also pretty close, shade-wise, to the rug Matt's put over the sofa in the living room. I sit down on the sofa and just blend into it. Hours of entertainment before you even think about adding alcohol, I sez ^_^

I also established yesterday that I make a bloody excellent roast dinner. I'd made roast potatoes before but last night really was a new experience as I also roasted carrots and did the chicken myself. Last time I did a roast I just bought a rotisserie chicken, which is a bit of a cheat. But now I know how to roast a chicken for myself and nothing can stop me now! Bwahahaha!!

I've also discovered the secret to making absolutely wonderful gravy. But I'm not telling how, you'll just have to ask if you really want to know ;)

So, Neko and I ate our roast dinner at midnight last night while we watched his Utena DVD and then we had chocolate sponge puddings with ice cream afterwards.

I is so domestic :)

Not completely sure how I'm going to follow that one up, mind. I do have some chasseur sauce and Neko reckons he'll eat that, so that's a possibility. If I can find more stuff that I can cook and he'll eat then that'll only be a good thing. It's pretty expensive and rather boring to keep ordering pizza.

Anyway. I'm going to pick up my timetable for next semester today and then I have a nurse's appointment. Then I'm going to try and get some work done, as all I've really done up to this point is write some notes and think about doing the work. Bad, bad H-B :P


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