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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-04-24 - 2:53 a.m.

So Neko and I were going to go to Thorpe Park tomorrow, but they inexplicably close every Wednesday and Thursday for the foreseeable future, so that throws that idea out the window.

So we're going to go to Cambridge instead. I'm not looking forward to walking through Kings Cross again after my drunkenness, but it's a necessary evil. Hopefully there'll be a train leaving soon after we get there and it'll all be OK.

I made a chicken casserole for the two of us. With pasta. Unfortunately I cooked too much chicken and too much pasta and now we're both all bloaty and go boinging around the room.

He squeezed me earlier and I was nearly sick. That's how full I am.

I'm going to have a shower and then I'm going to crawl into bed with my boyfriend and my Puchiko plushie.

This is a prospect which pleases me greatly.


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