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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-02-08 - 2:12 a.m.

Oooh, I'm knackered.

Of course, I was packing at work this evening, the result of a not-especially-funny joke on the part of the scheduler.

See, we have a Chinese packer called Zhenhaj who does Thursdays and Sundays. I let slip that he's my type and I now have to deal with Ruth and Rick teasing me about it. To make things worse, Rick went and told Zhenhaj that he was my type, so now whenever I see him he gives me this big grin.


Anyway. Ruth's teasing usually goes like this:

Ruth: So are you going to ask him out?
Me: No, I have a boyfriend.
Ruth: But you've got a girlfriend!
Me: Neko doesn't mind me seeing girls. He does mind me seeing other men, so I'm not asking Zhenhaj out.

Ruth doesn't seem to get this. And she's supposed to be the "good Christian woman", too...

Rick, on the other hand, is intent on "introducing" me to Zhenhaj. Initially it was to the effect of "come and say hello to him!", but his latest trick was to ask me if I wanted to pack one night a week.

One of our other packers recently informed us, at the last minute, that she was going to be in hospital for three months or something, and since I know my stuff when it comes to packing, Rick asked me to do one night a week. I said yes. And he put me on Thursday nights.


The grand plan to force Zhenhaj and me to engage in conversation fell a bit flat, however. Firstly, Zhenhaj's English isn't even up to conversational level - he doesn't understand when I say anything to him and I seldom understand what he's saying. Secondly, he's incredibly soft-spoken, and in a busy kitchen this means that, even if I could understand him, I am barely able to hear him when he speaks. And thirdly, he seems to be incredibly timid. He was sitting on the dispatch desk earlier during a quiet spot, I went to sit on the desk too (and this is a big desk), and he got down and stood against the wall. He wasn't so bothered by standing next to me, but sitting was out, for some reason.

Very strange.

An interesting thing is that, considering how soft-spoken Zhenhaj is when he's speaking English, he's rather more vocal when speaking in Chinese. I saw him looking at the schedule and heard a few exclamations, and whenever he tried to say something to me and I had trouble understanding, he'd shake his head and mutter in Chinese before trying again.

He also developed a fixation with my name. I thought he knew what my name was but apparently he didn't until this evening, and as soon as he did he wouldn't leave it alone. I always find it a bit unnerving to have someone over-using my name (I've had ICQ conversations with people who do this, it always makes me suspicious of their motives), but I suppose it could be explained by saying that he was just trying to remember what it was.

I don't know.

Anyway. Been doing so much con-related stuff today! The model-building is progressing nicely, and my cosplay is coming together too. I tried on the wig today, just to see how it looked.

Yeee!! It looks so good!

Going to have to start messing around with fur fabric soon... the con is only something like three weeks away...!


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