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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-06-19 - 6:23 p.m.

Apologies for the silence. I'm in Ireland now, missing the weather in London, and this is the first chance I've had to get online.

It's weird being back here and Josephine not being here. Carmen and Mittens are both still about and don't seem to have changed at all, but every so often I'll think I see movement in the garden and will look out the window, expecting to see Josephine. I haven't had insomnia bad enough yet that I've had to go into the living room to watch TV, but I know that when I do it's going to feel incredibly weird. And lonely. Very, very lonely.

I brought my plushie tortoiseshell cat back with me. I keep her on a cushion at the end of my bed. Everytime I go into the bedroom I see the plushie sitting there and for a second I could swear it was a real cat.

I wonder if I'm subconsciously tormenting myself? I seem to have a knack for that.

Anyway, happier things. I brought all my kimono stuff back with me to show the family and they were all really impressed. My sister's taken some photos and I've told my mum I'll dress her up in the kimono later on. I just have to wait for my obiage to arrive (courtesy of Mr. Lunar - cheers if he's reading!) and get my hands on an obijime that will go with everything else.

Last night my parents and I went to the cinema to see The Time Machine, which was rather good. It was kinda weird how all the Eloi had Irish accents, but otherwise we all enjoyed it. And despite only being in it for about 15 minutes, Jeremy Irons is cool.

So, now I'm just sitting around doing very little and waiting for my uni results to come through. I'm seriously anxious about Creative Communication, but then I've written essays that have screamed "bullshit!!" at me before and they've come out OK so maybe I'll get lucky. I wouldn't be so stressed if it weren't a core module (I think), so basically if I don't pass it and don't pass the resit it's part-time study for me. And after that wasted year in Cambridge, I don't really want to have to put graduation off for yet another year.

We can but hope, I suppose.

I got Puzzle Bobble 4 today (NOT Bust-A-Move!! Bust-A-Move is a DANCE game, not a bubble-based puzzle game!!). No doubt this will eat my time for breakfast, lunch and dinner and spit out the pips, but it's not like I have much else to do here. I replayed Klonoa yesterday. Finished in just under two hours, including the cut scenes. While I'm here I may well replay Metal Gear Solid and Silent Hill, possibly Final Fantasy 7 too. See if I can remember all the sercet stuff (haha!!).

And now, before I go, I just want to point out again how much I hate my dad's keyboard. Now it's less of a case of it sloping the wrong way (it still does, it's just not annoying me so much), and more of a case of the Shift key being only two-thirds of the size it should be because there's a "Turbo" key next to it. So every time I try to hold down the Shift key, I hit Turbo and thus my punctuation doesn't come out the way it ought to. Grrr �_�

Now there's a strange burning smell which I hope to goodness is coming from the garden. I shall go investigate now...


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